Löki's Blog

The ultimate productivity checklist

Read below to learn the SECRET techniques that billionaires don't want you to know!

I'm an expert on of the following with a proven track record. Let me bestow my wisdom on you.


If you want step-by-step instructions on how to do each of these steps, then upvote this post and join my Ultimate Productivity Ultra cours⏤

OK, fine. I'll stop.

I'm just letting out some steam for doing pretty much all those items on the list ⏤ more times than I want to admit.

And yes. There has been a somewhat similar sarcastic article somewhere, made by someone else at some point. So I'm not original. It's probably better and funnier than this one, but in case you haven't seen it or don't remember where to find it, this is what you're stuck with.

The real point of this post?

Don't take yourself or your lack of productivity so seriously. You're probably not alone. And if you are, well, at least you're original.

Unlike this post.

(I just realized how it looked like I was ending this post by telling you to unlike this post. I guess I ruined it now. Oh well...)
