Löki's Blog

My first bear post

This is not my first post period.

I've done some online writing before. Mostly on my website, mostly in Finnish, and mostly over a year ago. I won't get to the many boring reasons why my writing has lessened. Not on this post at least.

Instead, let's focus on more recent events.

I discovered Bear blog a couple weeks ago and absolutely fell in love with it—at least the concept. It's everything I've ever wanted from a blogging platform or a website builder; it makes everything that matters easy and removes everything that doesn't. I was very intrigued, but I wanted to test it properly before making any decisions to jump in.

I needed to post something.

Like a good procrastinator, I started by spending a couple days (weeks) trying to think of perfect topics for my first post. Then, I finally snapped out of that and follow the simpler yet more effective method of just writing about something ⏤ something that's on my mind or going on in my life.

Cue to this post.

It's not the best. No. It's much bigger than that.

It's the first.